3. Let's know about structure of CSS(css tutorial for beginners)
Structures of CSS
To make websites template CSS knowledge is necessary. CSS is a styling language. So learn CSS.
Dear Reader In the prior canto you have acquainted with CSS editor and Browser. Today I will teach you the general structures of CSS.
Dear Reader In the prior canto you have acquainted with CSS editor and Browser. Today I will teach you the general structures of CSS.
structures of CSS are divided into two parts.
One is Selector and Other is One
or more Declaration. General Structures are given bellow. Selector is generally Element of HTML (H1,H2….H6, P etc)
There will surely be two parts in declaration
such as
More than one Decartions may remain
separating with semicolon(;)
It can be written in short bellow----
"HTML tag" { "CSS Property" :
"Value" ; }
Please observe the Example bellow
body {background: #FC9; font-family:
Tahoma; color: #F60;}
so dear readers be well and take care. I shall try my level best give the notion about CSS. So wait for the next. To know more about CSS please go here
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