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Inevitable Ways to Promote your new YouTube Video free

Now a days YouTube is called the  new generation’s MTV. Yes,  in some case the sentence is more than true. What ever we say, the importance of YouTube needs no telling. Young Generation who are engage in online word, are devoted to YouTube. News channel, print media where fails, YouTube plays prominent role there. The people who are established  in   YouTube,They follow some techniques to  Promote their videos to other  people. There are two  ways to  promote your YouTube Videos. These are…
  • Paid  Promotion.
  • Free Promotion.
Paid Promotion :  
In this case you have to pay  someone or some websites to promote your YouTube channel and videos. I Think that this is not  so consistent way  to survive in YouTube world. You can not go very  far in this ways. Yet, sometimes you may need to do it. To know more about, go to this link and  learn more. 
Free Promotion:
This way is  more consistent, durable, survival and easy way but a long somewhat. But if you can do it properly, you will be able to persist  in this world and have a great impact. Today I will expose all the secrets behind the successful promotion of your new YouTube videos. Here are some tips to promote your new YouTube videos.

Social Media:

1. Pinterest: Post or embed your YouTube video  to Pinterest Video section. You will be surprise to see How quick you will get visitors for your Videos. They have large visitors. You will get a part of visitors who  will come to  see your YouTube visitors.

Twitter, Youtube, Facebook

2.  Facbook: Facebook is now one of the world famous social sites. It has large circles of friends and families, who share their thoughts and ideas. Their circle is like a chain. So if you can use Facebook  as a medium of promoting your YouTube  videos. I t will help you to hit upon  your YouTube channel. Open a Facebook account and build strong army of friends and families and Share your videos there.

3. Twitter:  If you tweet you YouTube Video in Twitter. Your YouTube channel  will get much popularity within a short time. So open a twitter account and  Tweet on all your sites. You will get  immense response from them. This create a ways create fans to talk to you and you will get an  opportunities to share your projects.

4. Google Plus: It’s nothing but a butt for new’s  in online world. This site is used by many looking for creating big thing. So use your Gmail account to  open  a Google Plus account. Create circle and share your projects among  them.

5.Myspace: Once It was the darling of all social sites. It is now trying to reinvent itself. So Open a Myspace  account and  submit or share your projects in it..

YouTube Initial steps:

1. Creating SEO congenial Title: After uploading you new Video Create a Title maintaining rules and doing keyword research, So that your videos can get much traffic.

2. Descriptions: Write proper description on your videos including proper keywords in it, So that search engine can catch it up and gain much popularity.
  • Tagging:  Include as much relative and correct  tags as you can. This  will help your videos to  be found out. Because many new videos are discovered by tags which  is un-imaginable.
  • Like on your own video: It may sometimes seem to strange. But it’s the reality. Like your own videos and show your videos to others. Other people will show interests on your videos.
  • Profile image and Banner: Make a channel and Use your profile picture and Banner image also. Actually visitors appreciate handsome looking banner   and image thinking this channel is different than others.
  • Post on other videos: Just be active in YouTube community. Make comment on other YouTube channel. Make answer on other’s comment in your YouTube videos.

  1. Embedding/Link sharing: When you will upload a new video share/embed it in your blogs so that visitors can show their interests to  hit upon  your videos.
  2. Making publicity: Make publicity of your YouTube channel in  your blog. Be it relevant with your blog or not. Because some people show interest on Videos along with Blogging.
  3. Behind the scene video: Create a behind the scene video. Because many shows interests on Creator on creator of videos. When you will create behind the scene video using creator picture behind scene. It will attract much people.
  4. Podcasting: Podcasting is very  easy to do and  can be done with mic, a computer and an audio editing program. It can be uploaded in  YouTube also including the content of your YouTube channel. That will help your channel to caught up by the visitors.
  5. Be a guest: Be  a guest on other blog,podcast, and other YouTube production project. This can lead you in the era visitors.
  6. Make a email list: Suppose you have long Email list, So  promote your new video content to through mail. You will get a handsome amount of visitors for YouTube videos.
Promote Personally:
  1. Business card: Make a business Card of your own. Include your YouTube channel URL in it and share it to your circle. It will assist you to get much popularity.
  2. Letterhead: Create a nice letterhead for you and your project. In include your Video URL in a visible place. This will help you promote your YouTube videos.
  3. Networking: Build your own friend network and  share your  projects among them. As much as your network will grow, the work of promoting your YouTube will grow as  well.
  1.  Make Branding: What ever you upload in YouTube, make branding. If people know who you are, they will come to see you and your work.
  2. Make a logo for Branding: Create a logo for your project. If you can not do it, find someone who will do this for you. Because A good logo is the pre-condition of good branding. It will help to attract much  people to see your project.
  3. Put your branding on  all your Videos:  Create your YouTube branding. People will come to see your video without  knowing the content of your videos only knowing the matter that you have made this. so this is another advantage for you.

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