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How to reduce page loading time of a Blogger site.

Page speed
Internet makes the present world more easier and more comfortable. Now you can get all the information at you finger's end pressing a single key of Keyboard. Men are too much dependent on online for their different activities. Now a man, if he is educated, can earn and makes himself self-reliant. There are many ways to earn in online. Blogging or website marketing is one of them. If you want to take this profession as career, you must have a website or blog. But only having a blog is not enough. Suppose you are a much devotee of online world and are struggling to be successful in this field, you have a website or blog and you have quality contents with lot of images, videos and many other elements, You have done good SEO for your site, but still visitors are low and your site ranking is comparatively low than up to the mark!   Why? Probably your website takes long time to be loaded. Your website has to much JavaScript code or plugin, images with high resolutions and a video
contents. These issues are not SEO friendly at all. If you want to make your site user friendly, you must look into these matters and resolve those issues. If your site takes long time to be loaded, visitors will not stay there for long time, they will just come and go away and they will never come back again. Thus you will loose your visitors.

How can I solve these issues:

Yes, you need to sit to work with this issues. Firstly observe which codes are responsible for taking long time to be loaded. How much necessary they are for your site? If they are less important, then remove them. Don't use too much images and videos. Use it as tolerable limit. Check your site speed from

A plugin code to reduce the page loading at Blogger site !

You can add this JQuery Plugin code in your blogger site. I personally have tested it and got a good results.I shall try my best explain how you can add JQuery plugin reducing page loading! If your blogs or website contain many images, software and videos, you can also apply this code in website.
I can assure you this plugin code will help you to make your site or blog speedy than it was earlier.

Now Let's Start The Tutorial:

  • Go to your
  • Go to Template.
  • Click on  Edit HTML.
  • Press Ctrl+F to find the </head> tag in the HTML coding.
  • When you press ctrl+f then you see a box at the right.
  •  Write the above tag and hit Enter key. </head> tag will be highlighted. Now paste the following code just before the </head> tag.

<script charset='utf-8' src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script charset='utf-8' type='text/javascript'>
$(function() {
$(&quot;img&quot;).lazyload({placeholder : &quot;;,threshold : 200});

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