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Online Earning! How can you earn money here? Right ways and means, Read this.

Welcome to my blog. I can not leave you in spite of being very tired after returning home from office. So come back again again to you. Now come back to the main points. From now on I will write about online earning successively. I want to write these serially if I got inspiration from you through your positive comments.

We are now living in a digital world.  So in these sense we are now the citizens of the world. The whole is the workplace to us if we have a laptop or desktop at hand. Fresh bloods are now rushing to the online world to earn money from here.

What are needed to earn from Online?

We want to make earning from online but owing to lack of proper directions we can not earn a single penny from  here. If you ask any freelancer how he was able to earn from this sections. Probably he will answer you that he did not learn it abruptly or he had mastered  this gradually by his strong will and patience!

Most often we start working being inspired with our senior brothers' success neglecting how much hardship he had undergone. Starting work being very much excited with their success but after some days we leave all these thinking that this works don't suite me! Result is zero! a big zero!

To be a successful freelancer you must have the following five things/qualities ......

  •  A laptop/desktop
  • A modem with internet connection.
  • A strong will power!
  • Perseverance/patience 
  • Working with a routine.
If you have these, I can give you the guarantee to become successful in this field.

How will you start this?

At first start working in small platform like Micro job or Mini Jobs and PTC sites with which you at least pay your internet bill and can achieve experience.  Take 30 to 60 minutes to complete this works in a day and make a routine for this.

Be alert! While working in a certain fields, many alluring ads will provoke you to divert you to the another paths. Do your own selected works neglecting all these. Obviously you would not be rich overnight but the strong will to be famous will make you famous and wealthy surely one day! Suppose you have decided to work in PTC (paid to click) fields, you have to find out the correct and reliable site on which you can make long term relationship.

How can You find trusted PTC sites?
You can take help from  an expert who has been working in PTC sites for a long time to find out the trusted sites. Because most of the ptc sites are fake and they will scam leaving you in the midway though there are a few sites who will give you payments for some days. So dear brother, be something serious to find out a trusted ptc site. 

You can take help from Google search engine! Before starting to work on a site, be well informed of the site such as see reviews, domain registration time and check they have forum or not. Please also check and double check that they have any problems with payment or not. I have been  working in PTC sites for about 3 years. I will tell you about some trusted ptc sites with whom you can make long term relations. To know them Please  read the Article.....

How can You get your earning at hand?
[ Suppose you're working in online, and you are earning, but you don't know how to withdraw your payment, so what's your benefit with these? So before doing or starting online work I recommend all to open or register some payment gateways so that you can withdraw earnings.]

You need to open account to some payment systems because there are some ptc sites who will ask you to put payment options at the time of registrations. So open or sign up some payment gateways, if you are firmly determined to do online jobs. Here are some payment gateways....


Paypal is one of the greatest payment gateways. Almost all the working platforms have selected this gateway to give their users' payments. Although there some restrictions in some countries to withdraw money with this payment system, Paypal is number one! If you are in a restricted country, Please see this article on how to open PayPal account from these countries. Normally you can open a paypal accaount from the permitted countries. To open the paypal account please click here or Click the following image!

Paypal image

Payoneer MasterCard: 

Payoneer is the second best payment gate way of the world as most of the market place and jobs site keep either paypal or Payoneer as their first payment choice system. Almost all the countries support payoneer. So make a registrations on this payment system. To open a payoneer account please click here or Click on the following payoneer master card image..

Payoneer image

Now a day many people whose countries don't support paypal bring their paypal earnings  through payoneer mastercard. They also get a verified paypal account with this mastercard. How? I have showed this very well in my article.

Payza Payment System: 

Maximum ptc sites support Payza payment system. So if want to work with ptc sites, hurry up and make an account of Payza. The best amenities of payza are you can withdraw your online income from this payment system to your local bank account.. To open a payza account please click here. or Click on the following image!

Moneybooker or Skrill account:

 Another popular payment system is Skrill. Please open a skrill account as many jobsite support this payment system. To open Skrill account Click here or Click on the following image!

Skrill image

So good bye for this day. See you with the following article in which I shall try my best to give guideline to work with 100% legit ptc sites. 


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