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D-Link Modem Running problem in windows 10 solved permanently !

Hi guys! how are you every body? Today I'm gonna discuss with you a very very important thing. It's about D-Link Modem connection problem in Windows 10. Windows 10 now has made craze among all young generations for it's attractive user interface and speedy mode. Everyone is rushing to this new version of OS and suppose All of you have probably upgraded or updated your computer to this newer and latest version and being upset you have probably turn back to your previous version as as it creates many problem when you run any .exe files or program. I have a bitter experience on it while I upgraded my Windows to windows 10. Every time when I tried to install any program it showed me an error message saying " This app has been blocked for your protection" After googling and spending many valuable hours I found a solution that I have discussed in details in this post and please read this if you feel this kind of problem like me.  But what about D-Link Modem? Every time when I try to run this app this shows me the above message. Finally I found two solution to this problems that I'm gonna tell you about this. One is Temporary solution and Other is Permanent . The choice is yours which you want to use. Ok let's start. 

The cause of problem: 

As far as I know Window 10 has a tight security that doesn't allow in no way to run any programs or softs whose data have been leaked or whose publisher is not trusted. A few days ago D-Link’s code signing keys were leaked. That's why Microsoft is blocking all software that uses the “leaked” data? In windows 10, Microsoft has created a built in Administrator Account in line with your own created User Account. You have to enable it to take permission from the " Administrator Account" by Microsoft.  How to enable this? to know please read this. But you can solve this problem in an alternative way temporarily and permanenly. So let's start....

D-Lin Modem Installation Process: 

It's very wise decision to install your D-Link Modem at first just after installing Windows 10 on PC from fresh CD/DVD. Because after installing motherboard driver, it will not let you install any .exe program soft come from un-trusted sources in this case it will display the following error message. But what will happen if you already have installed or updated/upgraded windows to windows 10 and have installed/updated your motherboard driver? In this case follow the following method-

Step 1: Connect D-Link Modem (You may try other Modem also) with your PC.
Step 2: Open it (Do not run) clicking right button of your Mouse as stated bellow. You will see InstallPackage.exe in it. Now do the next step.

Step-3: Open Command Prompt (Admin) from start button. Open it please clicking right button of your mouse as displayed below image.

Step 4: In command Prompt Window, write m:( Here m: means M drive in my PC after connecting modem with my computer please write your drive letter here)  with no space as displayed bellow and hit Enter key.

Step 5:  Now write InstallPackage.exe after M:\>  and hit Enter key.

Now see the magic. Hope you have now already got your solution of installing D-Link modem.

Step 6: Now install your D-Link modem as usual. Although it will run at first after installation, but it would not run next time. So what will you do then? See bellow-

Temporary Solution: 

This the temporary process to run D-Link modem from your PC. Because after closing D-link Modem it you will see  the same message "The app has been blocked for your protection." again and you have to resolve it using this techniques again again.
So dear let's start......
Step 1: Click right button your mouse on D-link modem Icon from your desktop. Now  select Open file location. See the image below.

 Step 2: You will see the file location of D-link modem here. Click on WirelessModem. Now Copy location of your file from address bar as stated bellow. 

Step 3: Now open Command prompt (Admin) following Step 3 in above Modem Installation Process
and cd\  after c:\windows\system32> as stated bellow and hit Enter key. And then write cls hit Enter key again. 

Step 4: Now write cd and keep single space and paste here that you copied from address bar and edit this line as shown in image bellow(2) . 
Step 5: Now write dir at the end of the following line(3) and hit the Enter key of the keyboard.

Step 5: Now write WirelessModem.exe or copy it from above(4) and hit Enter key. Your D-Link modem software will run. I hope that this will somewhat solve your problem . But you will need to do it every time while you run it. Now let' move on to the permanent solutions......

Permanent and easy solution: 

Step 1: Open file location of your D-link modem following Step 1, Step 2 of Temporary Solution Copy the file location address from the address bar. 

Step 2: Open default Notepad form your PC. Now write the following simple command in Notepad. Give a double quote or Quotation mark(".....") bellow the command. Paste the file location address you copied from the address bar and write the additional part at the end into the Quotation mark.(See the image bellow)

Step 3: Now open File and select it Save As from menu. Please save the file as D-Link Modem.bat in the d-link modem file location.

Step 4: Bring a short cut Icon to this bat file to your Desktop file location. Follow this to do it. 

Step 5:  Now go to the properties from the desktop  Icon clicking right button of the mouse. 

Step 6: Now from Properties option choose Advanced option to set Run as administrator and finally click on OK button to apply it.

Step 7: Now define an Icon so that you can easily recognize it. You can define it from Change Icon option. If you want to select original D-Link Icon then go icon location and select it and delete the earlier. 

Step 8: At last double click on the Icon. You D-link modem will run smoothly without any trouble. Thanks for staying with us.


  1. i got it fixed using the blog thanks checkout this post also that helped me to get this fixed and include this in your website

  2. Thanks brother Amit singh for your Valuable comment.
