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Craiglist's problems and their solutions

Craiglist problem
Welcome everybody. We who are working with craigslist often face some problems. Some of us over come the problems with our experience. But you who are new to this field, are not capable of getting ride of this problems. Today I shall try my best to discuss the problems and try to give the solutions. So dear, let’s start.

Important Tips against Post Flagging:
Flag means deleting your live post. When the craigslist moderators see that there is spamming in your post or your is post is not appropriate for posting they delete your post. Now let’s see why they delete your posts and how do you prevent posts from being flagged.

1. Keep yourself aloof from Pirated ad posting(cut,copy,paste): Posting by cut,copy,paste is one of  the most important reason for being flag. If you post copying another one, ten to one your posts will be flagged (probability 90%). Because we know from their policies that If same ads are posted within 48 hours, automatically they will be flagged. So try to write ads yourself. If it is needed edit another posts very well and publish the post. It will be very effective if you post with image. It will not create any difficulties for posting same ads if you do it. Only change the name of your image file and upload it in a new hosting server, you will get a unique link. You can keep your post live easily with this.
Pirated ad posting image

2. Using right PVA or phone number : Using PVA is important for craigslist work. You are using PVA, but you do not know the city name of your PVA, ten to one your post will be flagged. You are posting in a city, but your phone number is from another city, it is not desirable at all. So flagging is common here. So use phone number for definite city where want to post. If you do not know the city of PVA, go to this address copy your area code and paste it in a box and search the city.
Craiglist logo
3. Using right IP: Wrong IP using another reason for being your post flagged. Suppose you are posting in Long Island, New York, but your IP is of a city in California, obviously it will be flagged. So use the right IP of a right city.
4. Keep yourself aloof from quick posting: We many of us generally do quick posting to save time. It’s totally wrong idea. As a result your all post will be flagged at a time. So keep gap from 2 to 3 minutes after each posts and then post again. Otherwise Craigslist bot will capture you as spammer and your post will be automatically flagged.
Craiglist logo
5. Keep your title Neat and clean: Many of us use many kinds of signs such as.. !@&$#*<:> it’s not desirable at all. When the moderator see this kind of signs at title they will flag your post quickly.
Actually there is no shortcut way to earn money. If anyone says you Give me 1000 dollars I will give you 100000 dollars in return in each month. Then s/he is cheating you. If you want to earn, you have to work. There is no other ways. Craigslist working is becoming difficult day by day. Now admins are too much cautious about fake posting. so the more you  post normally, the more you earn. So Start your work after thinking a little bit. Because if you want to work with craigslist, you have to invest. some risks and uncertainty may prevail here. Start your work and invest a little amount at first. If you get trusted buyer and payment security, then invest a bigger amount for it.
Some important Terms and their explanation
Socks escort: The name of software by which you can change IP along with changing proxy.
PVA : PVA means Phone Verified Account.
Leads: If your post is live and somebody give reply to your posts. Then the reply will be visible at your mother mail and from there the mail will be forwarded to  count mail. That means we say a Lead to an each reply mail. If our leads reaches to 1000, we say/call it 1K.
Mother mail: Mother mail means the email address in  which you will get confirmation links, leads, and live mail.
Count Mail: Count mail is the main mail for counting your leads. From this leads you will understand how much Leads you got in totals.
I have tried my best to give you an idea on Craigslist works. But I don’t know how much I could be successful in this attempts. Please make comments to inspire me.

If you intend to Work on craigslist See the tutorial 

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