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A simple Ad Code Converter/Parser : How to Convert/parse Adsense code to place the ads in to the post body

Welcome to my blog. Google adsense is easy, best and quickest ways to make money. Google adsesne gives money making ideas in online through advertise various products. how to make money in online is that suppose you have a blog with quality article and have an adsense account. What Google will do is that Google will show ads in website. If any visitors see this ads, Google pays you. Today I will discuss about an interesting and important matter. The matter is that placing adsense ad code  or any kinds of ads code into the blogger's body template. When copy your Adsense ad code and paste it in your blogger html template, it shows html parser code error.
Because Blogger template is html based template. When you put some additional/extra html code (Adsense/chitika/adbrite code) in it, blogger shows error in it's template. So what we need to do is that we have to parse or convert our Adsense code so that Blogger template can receive it without showing any error.

A case study on Adsense code :
HTML has special handling for characters like < and > symbols. So it doesn't work well with those characters where they shouldn't be. As result Blogger template shows error in it. If we change "<'  character into <  and '>' character in ' > ' , then blogger template will receive it without showing any error. But doing this coding character change is a tiresome journey rather than coding. So I will tell you about an  ad code converter by which you can convert your code easily and can keep these parsed code into blogger template. So go to Adesnse home page and log in with your password. Create an ad unit and then copy the Adsense code. Paste it into the following parser box and Clik on Parse Ads. You will get the parsed Ad code for your blogger to be kept it into the blogger template.
If you want to keep this Simple adsense ad code converter tool into your post page please write the following html code  or  see the tutorial with details-

Happy adsensing and good bye.!!!!!!!!!
You can add this Ad code Parser/converter in your blogger page. To do so see the Video Tutorial

1 comment:

  1. If you are looking for a good contextual advertising network, I suggest you take a look at Chitika.
