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Add Google Ad Sense above header : Blogger widget/gadget management

There are many money making ideas in online. But Adsense is an easy ways to make money. If you are a blogger, you have good chance to make handsome amount of money. Set your blogs with good quality article and then aply for an Adsens ccount. Googel will advertise in your blog. The more visitors you will gain the more money you will earn.There are no quickest ways to make money in online. There are many ways to earn money in online, but Google adsene is the best.Google adsense  is the golden key to earn money from online who have a blog. Writing blog article you can earn huge amount of money if you have Google Adsense. But many of who have blogs and adsense do not know  their management. For this kind of ignorance they can not earn enough money from google adsense and blogger site. If they know the Blogger management very well and where to keep adsense code to their blogs, I am sure they will see the  light of success.
Normally google do not give any chance to put adsense ads  above header(blogger title) or inside blogger header area. Today I shall discuss about blogger management by which you can create or ad gadget/widget in blogger site. You can put Adsense easily in to them.If you can do this, surely you will be a foot step advance to earn money from you blogger site. See the site demo picture bellow. 
Adsense Above header diagram

Adding Gadget/widget above header title: 
Before doing this, you have to keep backup of you whole template. To keep backup of your whole template, go to your blogger dash board with your blogger G-mail and password. Now click on Template .

Blogger Drop down menu

After clicking on Template, click on Backup/Restore at the right side of your blog.
Blogger Drop down menu
Yo will see the following screen. Now click on Download full template. Wait a moment, your downloading process will begin. After downloading, click on Edit HTML from the Dash board.

Backup and restore
HTML Editor will appear before you. Now press Edit HTML and click your mouse in HTML field. Now press Ctrl+F from your key board to find out specific tag code from this page.
Blogger: Find code in Template
1. Now write the following code into the search box.
<div id='header-wrapper'>
If you don't find out that code, try to find out this one instead.
<div class='region-inner header-inner'>
2. Just bellow one of these lines you will see the following coding lines.
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>
3. Now replace the red marked values with the followings.
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='3' showaddelement='yes '>
4. Now click on Save Template and go out from here.
5. Click on Layout and you will see a new gadget option if you have done the previous works accurately.This will allow you to create a gadget to the header area.

Adding Gadget

6. Now click on Add a Gadget link and select the Google Adsense gadget. Now  select the ad format and
from here. Which format you will select that depends on you but I think 728 X 15 ad link unit is the best format for this place.
Blogger in Adsense

If you want to add Adsense ad from your account manually then go to your Adsense account and get ad code there and go HTML/JavaScript instead clicking on on it. Now paste the Ad code which got from your Adsense account manually.

Blogger Java/HTML code adder

7. Last of all click on Save arrangement button at the side.
Adding Gadget

Now see the magic to your blog and your new Google Adsense unit. If you do all these things correctly,you will get good results. If you feel any trouble comment bellow. I shall try my level best to help you. Bye and take care.


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