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Highlight Author comments labeled with 'admin' ribon for Blogger

We who are involved with Blogging, know the importance of decorating own websites with many things. As a new blogger most of the bloggers are dependent of Blogger site for starting blogging as their professions. A blog with much facilities attracts much visitors. So decorating Blog with many facilities is a one kind of SEO. If your blog is not optimized to attract visitors. They will not come to your blog, again if they come, they will not stay on your blog for a long time. They will go away and never come back to your site. Blog decoration means optimizing blog in such a way that it can attract much visitors. Such as --
  • Blog Name.(SEO optimized name)
  • Metatag writing and setting.
  • Blog descriptions.
  • Creating Drop Down Menu.
  • Menu linking.
  • Promoting blog.
  • Blog Tag or Label.
  •  A Blog template with Side Bar.
  • Traffic Feed.
  • Rss Feed.
  • Related post widget.
  • Popular post.
  • Social sites' share buttons.
  • Social Follow button.
  • Add placing.
  • Site speed.
  • Blogger's profile page.
  • Blogger profile with short description below posts.
  • Creating some important pages like About us, Contact us, Privacy Policies etc.
  • Unique and quality  Contents.
  • A highlighted Author's comment options with attractive features as admin etc.

Importance of highlighting Author’s comments:

 Highlighting Author’s comment is very important for a blog, where we see much more comments in a post. We are somewhat in a fix to differentiate who are admin and who are visitors. So there, Highlighting author’s comment with Admin ribbon can bear importance. If we set Author’s comment with Admin ribbon, this will assist us to easily find out the author’s comment. Rather it somewhat increases the beauty of the blog. So we can say it is also a part of Blog decoration. Every Professional Blogger chooses this kind of decorated Author’s comment option. Visitors can see the author’s comments labeled with ‘Admin’ ribbon at the right corner of the comments. See the demo below-

Highlighted author's comment option

Features of this high-lightened Author's comment: 

  • It's eye catching.
  • It doesn't affect on website's page loading speed.
  • It's made with CSS3 coding.
  • No Java j-query coding that slows your site's page loading speed.
  • It does not need to any extra HTML code

How to set this:

1. Go to with your Gmail  and it password.
2. Select Template.
3. Backup your whole template so that you can restore if any occurrence happens.
4. Now click on Edit Template to edit your template coding.
5. Ctrl+F key to find specific part of codes.
6. Find "]]></b:skin>" 
7. Copy the following code and paste it just before the above code.

.comments .comments-content {
position: absolute;
top: 52px;
right: -36px;
margin: 5px 0 0!important;
background: url( no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
width: 90px!important;
height: 90px!important;

8. Now you are almost done. See the preview.
9. You can customize this with your own by editing  top: 52px and right: -36px;

[NB: You can take help from your Browser. To edit the Author comment option. Go to your post page with lot of Comments. You will see your Comment option in a jumbled condition. Now Click righ mouse on it. Select Inspect element . You will see comment option codes here at the right. Now increase or decrease the top or right pixel to match your Admin ribbon with your site. Despite, if you cannot understand anything please take help from me by commenting below.  

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