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Use Featured image only at Blogger hompage!

 What is featured image?

Featured image or thumbnail is an image that is used for highlighting a post at a website's homepage. Suppose you have written a post on a certain matters. When a visitors visits your site homepage, they will see your post summary (Read more.......) with a picture. This image is called Featured image or Thumbnail. Thumbnail or Featured images are very important for writing posts and above all for a website. This represents a post at homepage.

Why featured image?

Featured images have many advantages. It looks very charming and attractive if you use it besides, sharing post at different social sites like Facebook, Pinterest etc are very essential for it is a part of good SEO. At present world we very well know the importance of Social sites. It is Gathering fair of
various people of all over the world. If you share your post in those kind of sites. There are immense probability to get notable number of visitors from there. How ever if a post is shared, those sites like Facebook displays on the post title, meta-description and it's featured image or thumbnail. For example see the following image.
Featured image

How to use this at Blogger ? 

We all of us know about WordPress and Blogger site. These two are well known and mostly used CMS (Content Management System). They are very much popular in the world of Blogging. In WordPress there is a default option of using featured image or thumbnail. On the contrary there is not any option in blogger sites. Dear, friends I will today discuss about how to use Feature image at Blogger site. and make it default. In online, You will find many plugin codes to use featured image with post summary option. So what is the result? Want Featured image thumbnail facilities! They will not provide you only Featured image codes rather they supplies you Post summary option with it. But you use Blogger default post summary option and you don't want to use their post summary. So you can not use those third party plugin codes. Again those plugin code makes your site slow. So what will you do? If you want to use only Featured image or Thumbnail in Blogger site. Then you have come to the right place now. So without talking much, let start....
  • Go to Blogger Dashboard.  with your Gmail and password.
  • Click on Drop down menu to Select Template
  • Backup your whole template if any mess happens.
  • Now click on Edit HTML to enter in code editor.
  • Press Ctrl+F key to get Search box.
  • Now using Search box, Find the code ]]></b:skin> 
  •  Now past the following codes just bellow the above code.
<!-- Featured image for Blogger(Developed by -->
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;index&quot;'>
display: none;
<!-- Featured image for Blogger site end -->

Now save the template and you are almost half way done. Now the Second step begins.

Blogger Settings

  • Now Go to Settings from Dashboard.
  • Select Post and Comments option from there.
  • Find Post teplate and Click on Add
  • Copy the following code here to get some code in the post editor to make it default.
<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
<div class="hideimg"> <!-- upload featured image here --></div>
<br /></div>

Now go to new post option to write new post and click on HTML and you will get those code which you have pasted in Post template. Now select this part "<!-- upload featured image here -->" upload image you want to use as Featured image.

Blogger post editor
This will surely work, as tested many times by many bloggers. Remember this featured image will be invisible at post page but visible in homepage. I think this is the best method to use Featured imaged or thumbnail.

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