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How to use Adsense Ad bellow the post title at Blogger website.

In online world who have a blog can earn money by blogging if s/he has Google AdSense account. But to get Google Adsense Account is not so easy now a days. Suppose you have a blog in Blogger and have got an Adsense and you are struggling for earning money. But your earning are too low to mention. How will you get rid of this problem. There are many factors that may work behind you low earning! If you want to earn more money, you have find out the way you can double or triple your earning. Find out the fault that you should overcome Such as
  •  You have not enough visitors.
  • You have not quality contents.
  • You didn't make proper SEO for your posts or your website.
  • Lack of high paying keyword in your website.
Suppose you have adopted and solved all the problems, but still your earning is low. Then what will you do? Yes, you have something to do with this issue. You have to make into effect some techniques to overcomes the problems. Such as
  • Choosing proper ad formats for your blogs.
  • Choosing right places for your ad formats.
  • Putting ads inside the post.
Today I will discuss about putting ads inside the post just bellow the post title. This technique will somewhat help you to increase your revenue. So let's start the process.....

Blogger Template Management:

At first go to your Blogger Dashboard with your Gmail and password. Now click on down arrow at the right and click on the template button.

After clicking on a template you will get qa new window. Now you have to do some change in coding on the template. but before doing this you have to backup your whole template. If any irregularities happen in a template, you will be able to recover it. So to keep backup click Restore/backup button at the right.

You will find the following image. Now click on the download full template and wait for a while to be downloaded. Now click on Close button.

After keeping full template backup, now return to your main window ant click on the Edit HTML button and wait for template editor to be appeared. You will see many arrow singns on the left in template coding. Now click on the arrow sings to expand all the line. See the image bellow....

Creating Adsense Ad format and getting Ad code:

Now to to your Adsense Account with your email and password. Do the following things as directed
  • Login to your Goole Adsense account.
  • Create a new ad unit.
  • For better results you may choose wide area ads sizes like 300 X250 medium Rectangle or 336X 280 large Rectangle.
  • Customize your ad colors in accordance with your site's post page background color and click on Save and Get code button.
  • Parse the code using HTML parsing tools to change especial characters into their corresponding HTML entities. The ads won't be appeared if you use that codes directly in to the post page.
  • Now copy the parsed code.

Adding Adsense Ads Just bellow the post titles:

  • Go back to your Blogger Dashboard that you kept open.
  • Press Ctrl+F to search the template. You will see a search box in the right corner.
  • Write the following code into the search box.

  • Now paste bellow code just above the code.
<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;’>

  • REPLACE YOUR AD CODE HERE with your parsed ad code.
  • Click on Save template button.
  • You are done!
Once if you have performed the steps one by one accurately, then visit any of your Blog posts. Ad bellow post title will look like something like this:

By default the ad will be displayed at the left side. If you want to show ads a the right side or center of the post replace the below code.

<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;’>
<div align=”center“>



If you want to show wrapping text around the Adsense Ad being dissatisfied with the above result like this:

Just replace the following code. You will see the result.

<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;’>
<div style=”float:left; margin:10px;”>


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