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A stylish Related post widget for Blogger post page !

What is Related post widget? 
Related post widget is a widget that displays the summaries of posts with thumbnail images in a main a post pages related to to the main post. Suppose you have a blog and have written many posts in it. Recently you have written a post on a specific topic. Your blog have another posts related to it. You want your visitors should visit those links. So what will you do? You will have to put those related links on your main post page. You can do in manually. But doing this, will be a tiresome work for you. So what can you do in this? Yes there is a way with what you can easily display related post links with thumbnail images. This is one kind of good SEO. This is a related post widget and you can easily add this on your Blogger website. It will automatically displays related post links with thumbnail images. As a result you will
get good amount of visitors and they will stay longer times than you expected. Please see the image bellow. It's like this to look at....
Go to this address: .  You will be taken to a new website. Here you will see the following widget at the right.

Now fill up the form to get the widget.  Give your  blog Email and blog link. Select your platform as Blogger. Select your stories at width box. Last of all Click on Get Widget.

Click on Install widget link at the number 1 line. Next you will taken to a page. Now select your blog selecting your blog heading! Write a title of your Widget so that you can identify your widget at Blogger's layout page.

Last of all click on Add Widget to finish the process. You will be redirected to your blogger Dashboard layout page.  if you have already login your Blogger Dashboard. See the image bellow.

In Add widget area you can see your Widget. Now drag the widget bellow the blog page area.

If you want see to widget coding you can click on Edit link. You will see you widget coding. See the image above. Come out clicking on Save button.

Last of all click on Save Arrangement . If you have done all the steps described above, Open your any post, and see the result. You have success fully added the Related post widget. If you feel any difficulties. Pleas e make comments. I shall try my best to help you.

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