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Installing Facebook comment box in Blogger!

We who are involving in Blogging, must have one or more Facebook accounts. We do this for the publicity of our blog. In Facebook account we most often open one more pages or open one or more profiles for the publicity purposes. At the end of all efforts, Facebook user start landing on your blog. Blogger user very well know that Blogger comment has not any contribution to comment via Facebook, We can give the taste of commenting through Facebook to all our visitors not for their interest but for getting a lot of comments from the visitors. Today we will discuss on how you will add Facebook comment plugin in Blogger blog site so that Facebook user can make comment using their platform. So let's start the process.

Creating Facebook App ID:

Keep your Facebook account Login. No go the this link
You will be forwarded to new page like below:
 Click on 'Add a New App' to create an app plugin. You will see the following image next. Now select website option.

 Write your app name here in the following box as I have wrote my app name. Now click on the button named 'Create New Facebook App ID'

 From the next window select 'Apps for Pages' and at last click on 'Create App ID' You will now be forwarded to the following option.

 You must write up your blog's name bellow the box as I have wrote my own site's URL. See the image bellow.

 Now Click on Next to forward advance. Now go uper portion of this page and click on 'Skip Quick Start'
 You will see your App Name and App ID . See the image bellow, now copy this App ID and Save it in a notepad to use in future need.

Adding Facebook Comment Plugin in Blogger site:


Now dear reader friends this is turn to back your Blogger Dashboard and Do the followings step by step-
1. Go to this link to enter you blogger dashboard.
2. Give your gmail password here. If you have logged in then no need give password.
3. Back up your whole template.
4. Now go Blogger Dashboard -> Template -> Edit HTML
5. Now press Ctrl key + F to out Specific codes or code part.
6. Now write the following part of codes

7. Replace the above word with the following line.
   <html xmlns:fb=''

8. Now find any one of the bellow alternative lines and paste the bellow generated codes just bellow the any one
   <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3′
   <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3′

9. Now Generate code using the Facebook Code generator given bellow. Give you facebook App ID here that you coppied and saved it in a Notepad. Write your comment number and Give the amount Pixel according to Blog's page width. At last Click on Generate button


10. Now find the following code

11. Now Paste following code just above the </head> tag.
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle' property='og:title'/> <meta expr:content='data:blog.url' property='og:url'/> <meta content='My demo blog' property='og:site_name'/> <meta content='LOGO-IMAGE-LINK' property='og:image'/> <meta content='YOUR_APP_ID' property='fb:app_id'/> <meta content='' property='fb:admins'/> <meta content='article' property='og:type'/>

Now Replace -----
  • 'My demo blog' with your Site name that you gave while Crating Facebook App.
  • 'LOGO-IMAGE-LINK' with your own image link.
  • 'YOUR APP ID' with your Facebook App ID.
  • '' with your Facebook page url.
12. Now save your Blogger Template clicking on Save button.
You will see double comment box beneath your post body. One is your recently added Facebook comment box and other is your blogger's default comment box. To make vanish it, Please do the following-

Go to the blogger Dashboard > Select Blog > Setting > Posts and Comments > Find Comment Location Field and select Hide option from Drop Down Menu >Click on Save Settings button (Find it on top right corner.). Finally you have successfully add Facebook comment option in Bloggers site.

1 comment:

  1. I tested it with Genesis and Themeforest themes so it didn’t completely crush the site. However I would believe that it may cause more serious conflicts with some themes. email account login
