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SEO Tutorial- 1: What is SEO?

SEO means Search Engine Optimization, that means when you search some thing in online, Search Engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo bring it before you at the first page within a short span of time sorting out a number of such things. Suppose you have written an article in online, When you search it in Google search engine, you will see many articles at first page except your one. Because you didn’t make SEO. So we can say that Search Engine Optimization is a method by which A web site can be displayed at first page of Search Engines, as result it will get many visitors, traffics and rank. 

Search Engine Optimization makes your Website important and vital to Google, Yahoo and Bing so that Visitors can see your website at first page. With this technique or method your web site can get immense visitors. SEO makes your Site important to visitors. If you want to earn money by blogging, SEO is a must. You have made a blog and written many unique contents but visitors are not noteworthy, then it quite impossible earn a handsome amount of money with this blog. So we can say the aims doing SEO are---
    • To make acquainted a website to all
    • To make popular a website to visitors.
    • To grow traffic or Visitors for a website.
    • To act as a platform for online income.
    • To act as a solid foundation to survive in the competition of It sectors. 
Classification of Searches
There are two kinds of Search in SEO  such as -

1. Organic or Natural Search: This kind of SEO popular and free. Here you have to  know some techniques. Following this techniques you can get many visitors for you site. I f  you do this kind of SEO. you will get many traffic for your site. An organic search is a search that generates results that were not paid advertisements. Many customers feel that these results are a more accurate reflection of what they might want when searching for a specific phrase, because they are generated by popularity and common usage.
2. Paid Search: You have to pay for this kind of search result.Paid results can get your Web site to rank higher for a specific keyword phrase (because you've paid to be high in the results), most customers consider these results to be little better than advertising, and will often skip over them in favor of the natural or organic search results.

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